文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ ようだ / ようです(推量)
He seems to have forgotten about my birthday.
”~youda/~youdesu" is used to describe what can be inferred from the appearance of things or circumstances.
~ように/ようだ/ような N(比喩・例示)
【Grammar point】
1. 彼は体調が悪いようです。(formal)
He seems to be feeling unwell.
2. 彼は体調が悪いみたいです。(casual)
He seems to be feeling unwell.
接続 formation
V/イ形/ナ形/N (普通形) + ようだ/ようです
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
It seems he is leaving the company next month.
It seems that that plane will arrive late.
The country seems to be very dangerous, so please be very careful when you go there.
Apparently, the copier ran out of ink.
There seem to be a lot of people opposed to the idea he put forward.
He seems to be hiding something.
It seems that many people are involved in this case.
He doesn't seem to like this dish much.
My son seems to be sleeping in the next room right now, so please don't wake him up.
The typhoon seems to have caused a lot of damage there.

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