「ても/でも」の文法 grammar
~ ても / ~でも
Even though I searched the entire room, I could not find my lost wallet.
「X ても/でも Y」は、「X」という事象から普通期待されることと逆のことを「Y」で述べる時に使われる。仮定のことについてでも、実際に起こったことについてでも述べることが出来る。
【英語】even if, even though,
"X temo/demo Y" is used when "Y" is contrary to what would normally be expected from the "X". It can be used for both hypothetical events and events that have already happened.
【文法解説】Grammar point
■ 使い方
「ても /でも」は例文1のように仮定のことにでも、例文2のように既に起きたことにでも使うことができます。
1. この家は地震が来ても、倒れないだろう。
Even if this house is hit by an earthquake, it will not fall down.
2. この家は地震が来ても、倒れなかった。
Even though this house was hit by an earthquake, it did not collapse.
「ても /でも」が、仮定的なことや、まだ起こっていないことに使えるのに対し、「のに」はそれらに使うことができません。
3. 僕はお金持ちになるのに、高級な腕時計を買ったりはしないだろう。✖
Even if I became rich, I wouldn't buy a fancy watch.
4. 卒業したのに、たまには連絡を取り合おう。✖
Even after graduation, let's keep in touch with each other from time to time.
5. たくさん運動したのに痩せなかった。〇
I exercised a lot but didn't lose weight.
6. あんなに練習したのに、試合で負けてしまった。〇
I practiced so hard, but I lost the match.
接続 formation
N + でも/じゃなくても
ナ形(な) + でも/じゃなくても
イ形(い) + くても/くなくても
V(て) + も
V(ない) + くても
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
I turn on the faucet, but no water comes out.
I called him and told him I wanted to see him, but he didn't come.
I don't think going to school is going to help me.
Even though I work a lot, my life doesn't get any easier.
Even if he were rich, I don't think I would date him.
Even if you ask that man, he will not say yes.
Even if I hurry to get there now, I won't be able to make it in time.
No matter how smart he is, I don't think he'll be able to answer this problem.
No matter how hard I study, I think I'll never get into that university.

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