文法-意味 grammar meaning
As soon as she saw me, she asked me about my date yesterday.
「A や否や B」の形で、「B」ということが「A」ということの直後に起こったと、その時間的な近接関係を強調して言いたいときに使われます。主に書き言葉として使われます。
In the form "A yainaya B," it is used to say that "B" happened immediately after "A" and to emphasize the temporal proximity of the two things. It is used primarily as a written language.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. この仕事が終わるや否や報告します。✖
I will report back as soon as this job is done.
2. 結果が分かるや否や教えてください。✖
Please let me know as soon as you know the results.
接続 formation
V(辞書形) + や否や
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
As soon as he took a bite of the dish, he spat out, "It's not good.”
As soon as my mother saw me, she asked me when I was getting married.
As soon as the martial arts master took one look at him, he seemed to see that he was no ordinary man.
As soon as the old man opened the box, a cloud of smoke poured out from inside and enveloped the area.
His books sold like hotcakes as soon as they were published.
As soon as we got to the beach, he started running toward the ocean.
As soon as class was over, he ran out of the classroom.
As soon as he saw the police, he suddenly started fidgeting and acting suspicious.
As soon as my son got home from school, he left his school bag behind and went straight to his friend's house to play.
As soon as the manager took his seat, he sai d "four drafts" and ordered our drinks without asking us.
備考 notes
No one knows at this point whether his business will be successful or not.