文法-意味 grammar meaning
N による / N によって【原因】
The number of deaths due to heat stroke was extremely high this year.
"-niyoru/-niyotte" is used when you want to say the cause of something. It is a formal expression.
【Grammar point】
1. 不注意によるミスをなくしたい。
I want to eliminate mistakes caused by carelessness.
2. 今回の暴動によって、たくさんの死者が出た。
Many people were killed due to this riot.
3. 今回の暴動により、たくさんの死者が出た。
Many people were killed due to this riot.
接続 formation
N + によって/により
N + による + N
関連文法 related grammar
- JLPT N3 Grammar
- JLPT N2 Grammar
- JLPT N2/N3 Grammar
例文 example sentences
Due to the typhoon, Shinkansen's services were canceled.
Stiff shoulders can also be caused by prolonged use of a cell phone.
Company bankruptcies due to the recession are on the rise.
No one can resist the decline in physical strength due to aging.
He had to quit playing soccer in tears due to an injury to his foot.
At that time, he was in no condition to make proper decisions due to extreme exhaustion.
This fire was caused by the careless disposal of cigarettes.
I think the population will continue to decline due to the declining birthrate.
Let's pray for the lives lost due to the disaster.
That celebrity had to be suspended due to the revelation of the affair.

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