文法-意味 grammar meaning
According to what I have heard, he used to learn boxing.
”~toka" is used to convey information heard from another person or obtained from a book , newspaper, etc., to the listener while indicating the speaker's attitude that he is not sure if it is true or not.
【文法解説】Grammar point :
1. 京都とか大阪とか、東京以外の場所にも行ってみたい。
I would like to travel other places outside of Tokyo, such as Kyoto or Osaka.
2. この神社でお願いごとをすると必ず願いごとが叶うんだとか。
It is said that if you make a wish at this shrine, your wish will surely come true.
3. 専門家によると、あの山は噴火する可能性があるんだとか。
According to experts, that mountain has the potential to erupt.
4. 聞いた話によると、彼には多額の借金があるんだとか。
According to what I've heard, he owes a lot of money.
5. 人身事故があったとかで、列車が遅れているそうです。
I heard that there was a personal injury accident and the train is delayed.
6. 何でも、彼は来年から海外に転勤することになったとか。
I heard that he is going to be transferred overseas next year.i
7. 彼が前の会社をクビになったのは、横領がばれたからとからしいよ。
I'm not sure but I heard that he was fired from his previous company because they found out about his embezzlement.
接続 formation
V(普通形) + とか
イ形(普通形) + とか
ナ形(普通形) + とか
N(普通形) + とか
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
I heard that his family is very rich.
From what I've heard, there are ghosts around that lake.
I hear that such fashions are all the rage among young people these days. I have no idea what's so good about it.
I don't know the details, but in certain parts of Kyushu they eat chicken raw.
I heard that in the past, you could see a lot of wild animals in this area.
He told me that his parents died in a car accident 30 years ago when he was still a young boy.
I heard that there are many more such dilapidated and crumbling homes in the area that are in danger of falling down.
According to one government official, the parliament may be dissolved and elections held at the end of this month.
I heard that he has an illegitimate child.
I heard that his son went to Tokyo and never came back.

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.