~わけではない【文法-N2/N3 Grammar】

文法-意味 grammar meaning



Just because you failed a college entrance exam doesn't mean your life is over.

Just because it is the rainy season does not mean that it rains every day.



①”~wakedewanai" is used to deny what the listener might have in mind from the immediately preceding statement, general common sense, or the situation.

②”~wakedewanai" is used with words that indicate ”all”, such as "みんな、いつも、必ず" to denote partial negation.


Grammar point】



1. 相手あいてチームとの点数てんすうにはおおきながあるが、まだ試合しあいけたわけではない
Although there is a large gap in points between us and the other team, we haven't lost the game yet.

2. A:山田やまださん最近さいきんないんですけど。かれ会社かいしゃめちゃったんですか?
I haven't seen Mr. Yamada recently. Did he quit his job?

He's just taking some time off from work, he didn't leave the company.


3. かれのことがきだから結婚けっこんしたわけではない。ただの財産ざいさん目的もくてきよ。
I married him not because I love him. It's just for his property.

4. 私は医者いしゃになりたく医者いしゃになったわけではない
I became a doctor, not because I wanted to be a doctor.


5. あなたのミスが原因げんいんで、今回こんかい契約けいやくれなかったわけじゃない
Your mistake was not the reason we could not get this contract.

6. あのチームは本当ほんとうつよいからてたわけではない。そこにはうんもあった。
That team won not because they were really strong. There was also luck there.

■ 用法②:部分否定(partial negation)


7. 努力どりょくしたひとみんなが成功せいこうするわけではない。(部分否定
Not everyone who works hard will succeed.

8. 努力どりょくしたひとみんな成功せいこうしない。(全部否定
Nobody who works hard will succeed.




9. A:この料理りょうりあまりおいしくない?あんまりべてないけど。
Is this food not very good? you haven't eaten much.

Well, it's not that it's not tasty, but it might be a little weak in flavor.

10. かれのこときらいなわけじゃないけど、いっしょに仕事をしたくはないかな。
It's not that I don't like him, but I don't want to work with him.



11. べつ批判ひはんするわけじゃないんだけど、ちょっとあなたの意見いけん稚拙ちせつすぎるかも。
I don't mean to criticize you, but your opinion is a bit too juvenile.

12. あなただけに責任せきにんがあるとわけじゃないんだけど、もちろんあなたにも改善かいぜんすべきてんがあるとおもいます。
I'm not saying you are solely responsible for this, but of course, you have things to improve on.

接続  formation

  V/イ形/ナ形/N (普通形)  + わけではない

関連文法 related grammar


- JLPT N3 Grammar

- JLPT N3 Grammar


- JLPT N3 Grammar

- JLPT N2/N3 Grammar

- JLPT N2 Grammar

- JLPT N1 Grammar

例文 example sentences


Studying abroad does not mean that you will naturally become proficient in English.

Marriage does not mean that anything will change drastically from the previous relationship.

I don't dislike sweets, but I'm on a diet, so I try not to eat them.

I don't particularly like my current job, but I put up with it because the pay is good.

It's not that I don't want to attend the drinking party, but I'm too busy with work to attend for a bit.

Although a car is not absolutely necessary, I think it would be more convenient to have one.

It is not that I didn't have a dream, but I had to give up that dream due to family circumstances.

I am not against what you want to do, but please listen to me a little.


Not everyone has enough money to live on.

Not everyone who graduates from a good university is excellent.

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.

-N2 文法一覧, N3 文法一覧

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