文法-意味 grammar meaning
A はもちろん B も
The movie was wonderful, of course, in terms of the story, but also in terms of the actors' performances.
”A wa mochiron B mo" is used when you want to say "not only A, but also B" or "of course A, but also B"
【Grammar point】
1. 彼女は歌だけでなくダンスも上手だ。
She is not only good at singing but also at dancing.
2. 彼女は歌はもちろんダンスも上手だ。
She is good at singing of course, but she is also good at dancing.
■ 他の言い方
4. 一般人はもちろん、警察さえ騙されていた。
The general public and even the police had been fooled.
5. 中学生はもちろん、小学生すら解ける問題です。
This is a problem that of course junior high school students and even elementary school students can solve.
6. この魚は身はもちろん、骨まで食べられる。
This fish can be eaten of course for its meat, but also for its bones.
接続 formation
N + はもちろん + N も
I didn't tell my friends, of course, and I didn't even tell my parents.
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
Of course, the result is important, but the process is even more important.
Work is important, of course, but so is your health.
At this rate, it will be difficult to get a full-time job or even a part-time job.
I, of course, and my brother are worried about our father too.
The sound of other people talking and even the smallest noise disturbed my concentration.
Now, of course, and in the future, I will never be able to make up with him.
I haven't been able to pay for utilities or even rent.
I do not speak, of course, French, but I also do not speak English.
This product is popular, of course, with young people, but it is also popular with the elderly.
He doesn't drink coffee or even anything that has caffeine in it.

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