文法-意味 grammar meaning
N にとって
For me, sports was all about winning the game.
"~nitotte" is used to state from whose perspective the evaluation is made.
【Grammar point】
■ 使われ方
1. 私にとって、早起きすることほど大変なことはない。
For me, there is nothing harder than getting up early.
2. 日本人にとって、お正月は一年の中で最も大切な行事です。
For Japanese people, New Year's holiday is one of the most important events of the year.
3. 人生にとって、本当に大切なこととは何だろうか。
I wonder what is really important for life.
■ 使えない場合
「X は A が/に Bだ」という形をとる述語の場合、通常「にとって」は使われません。例としては、「好き、嫌い、上手、下手、賛成、反対、欲しい」などがあります。
4. 私(にとって)は寿司が好きだ。
I like sushi.
5. 私(にとって)は英語が得意だ。
I'm good at English.
5. 私(にとって)はその意見に賛成です。
I agree with that opinion.
■ ~にとっては
7. 日本語と韓国語は文法が似ているので、日本人にとっては韓国語は学習しやすいですが、他の国の人にとってはそうではないかもしれません。
Japanese and Korean have similar grammar, so Korean is easy to learn for Japanese people, but this may not be the case for people from other countries.
■ ~にとっても
8. このプランは私達だけでなく、あなたにとってもメリットがあります。
This plan benefits you as well as us.
■ ~にとりまして
接続 formation
N + にとって
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
For me, learning kanji was quite a challenge.
For Japanese people, cherry blossoms have a special meaning.
For the victim's family, the verdict was not entirely satisfactory.
This level of expense would not be a big deal to him, as he is a rich man.
What is the most important thing in your life?
This project might be a bit overwhelming for him.
The last year has been a very difficult one for our company.
This problem may be a little difficult for elementary school students.
The next game will be an important one for the Japanese national team.
For politicians, a scandal can be fatal.

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