文法-意味 grammar meaning
N によって / N による 【手段】
The incident was reported by television.
”~niyotte/~niyoru" is used when you want to explain the means or the way to do something. It is a formal expression and is not often used in everyday conversation.
■ 「で」との違い
1. この製品は職人の手作業によって作られている。〇
This product is made by hand of artisans.
2. 電車(によって)で学校に通っています。
I go to school by train.
接続 formation
N + によって/により
N + による + N
I learned about the incident from a television report.
The incident was reported by television
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
If you have applied online, please bring a copy of the application completion screen with you.
We conducted the survey by means of a questionnaire on the street.
Products that are mass-produced by machines are not interesting.
There have been a number of robberies with guns recently.
We would like to choose a winner by lottery.
We would like to decide what we will present at the school festival by majority vote.
To prevent infection, it is necessary to disinfect hands frequently with alcohol.
She looked even more radiant on stage, illuminated
This fabric is still woven in the traditional way.
These days, young people get information not from TV, but from the Internet.
We are currently not accepting inquiries by phone.

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