文法-意味 grammar meaning
The quantity is so large that it is no wonder you can't eat it all.
There is no point in asking him, a non-lawyer, about the law.
① "~temoshikataganai" is used to say that a certain thing is "natural," "agreeable," or "no wonder.
② "~temoshikataganai" is used when you want to say that something is "no use/no point" or that "the result will not change".
"~temoshouganai" is also used in the same sense as "temoshikataganai"
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. たくさん仕事があるので、今日中に終わらなくても仕方がない。
We have a lot of work to do, so it's no wonder if we can't finish it today.
2. 出世が見込めないこの会社に居続けても仕方ないだろう。
There would be no point in continuing to stay at this company where there is no prospect of advancement.
3. さっきから歯が痛くて仕方がないんです。
My tooth has been really hurting since a while ago.
4. 彼は早く家に帰りたくて仕方がないんだろう。
I think he really wants to get home as soon as possible.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
5. 電車が止まってしまっているのなら、今日は会社に来られなくても仕方ないですね。
If the trains have been stopped, it's no wonder you can't come to work today.
接続 formation
V(て形) :ても + 仕方がない
V(て形) :ても + しょうがない
イ形 :いくても + 仕方がない
イ形 :いくても + しょうがない
※否定の形:い くなくても
ナ形 :なでも + 仕方がない
ナ形 :なでも + しょうがない
※否定の形:な じゃなくても
N :でも + 仕方がない
N :でも + しょうがない
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
This problem is quite difficult, so it is no wonder that you, an elementary school student, cannot solve it.
It's no wonder he was fired, since he caused so much damage to the company.
It was 20 years ago when I met him, so it is no wonder he does not remember me.to my work.
You've only been learning Japanese for a month, so it's no wonder you can't speak it very well.
I said that terrible thing to her, no wonder she hates me.
It was 30 years ago that that singer was famous, so it's no wonder young people don't know about him.
I did something that my parents should have disowned me for.
I decided to quit the company because I felt that it was no use to continue to stay at my company.
We haven't heard anything from him and there is no point in waiting here, so let's leave him and go on.
There is no point in worrying about something that's over. You should just work hard for the next.

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