文法-意味 grammar meaning
V(ます) かける / V(ます) かけ
I was almost run over by a car on the road there earlier.
There is a half-eaten cake on the desk.
about to~/ almost~/ half-~/ begin to~
①"V+kakeru" generally indicates the moment just before "V" occurs. However, depending on the verb, it may also refer to the moment just as "V" begins.
②"V+kake" indicates a change occurring to the object or an action being performed on the object is in an incomplete state.
【Grammar point】
1. 笑いすぎて、あごが外れかけた。
I laughed so much that my jaw almost dislocated.
2. 私は交通事故にあって、死にかけました。
I was in a car accident and almost died.
3. 体重が減りかけたけど、結局元の体重に戻ってしまった。
My body weight started to decrease, but it soon returned to its original weight.
4. 昨日は、雪が降りかけたけど、すぐに雨に変わった。
Yesterday, it started to snow but quickly turned to rain.
5. そこでセミが死んでいる。
A cicada is dead there.
6. そこでセミが死にかけている。
A cicada is dying there.
7. 冷蔵庫の中の物が腐っている。
Things in the refrigerator are rotten.
8. 冷蔵庫の中の物が腐りかけています。
Things in the refrigerator are rotting.
■ V+かけ
7. 食べかけの弁当
half-eaten bento
8. 書きかけの手紙
unfinished letter
9. その弁当は私の食べかけです。
That bento is my half-eaten one.
10. その手紙はまだ書きかけだ。
That letter is still being written.
接続 formation
V(ます)+ かける/かけ/かけのN
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
I was about to say something critical of him but stopped myself just in time.
I almost gave up once but decided to get my spirit up and try again.
I almost got sick because of too much hard work, but I recovered after resting at home on holidays.
We had almost settled on plan A, but his opposition made us consider other plans again.
This radio, which I bought 30 years ago, is already half broken.
I tried to watch a TV show I was looking forward to, but by the time I turned on the TV, it was almost over.
The cherry blossoms are just about to bloom in this area.
The rain stopped and the sky began to clear a little.
Have you seen my half-eaten sandwich? I thought I had it in the fridge.
The apple juice in the fridge is mine, and I already drunk some of it.
The work is still in the making and is not yet finished.
楊 舒涵(2012)『「VかけのN」構文の意味解釈と成立条件-アスペクトを中心に』
菊田千春『複合動詞「V かかる」「V かける」の文法化―構文の成立とその拡張』

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