文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ように/~ようだ/~ような N【比喩・例示】
This bread is hard as stone.
I want to be famous like him.
”~you" is used to metaphorically describe the state or condition of something, as in "石のように硬い(hard as stone)".
”~you" is used to describe a specific or representative example, as in "彼のように有名な(famous like him)".
【Grammar point】
1. 彼は鬼のように怒った。【比喩】
He got angry like a demon.
2. 彼のように英語をうまく話したい。【例示】
I want to speak English well like he does.
3. 彼は聖人のような生活を送っている。【比喩】
He lives life like a saint.
4. 彼女のような教師になりたい。【例示】
I want to be a teacher like her.
5. 彼女と付き合うことができるなんて夢のようだ。【比喩】〇
It's like a dream come true to be able to hang out with her.
6. 私がとても尊敬する政治家は、彼のようだ。【例示】✖
I have a lot of respect for politicians like him.
7. 彼の食べ方は赤ん坊のみたいだ。
The way he eats is like a baby.
8. 彼はまるで忍者のように消え去った。
He disappeared like a ninja.
9. 彼の堂々とした演奏は、まるでプロの演奏家のようだった。
His majestic performance was like that of a professional musician.
接続 formation
V(普通形)/Nの +ように
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
He just mumbled like a baby who couldn't speak yet.
He walked with a thud and a loud thud, like an elephant walking.
Like a star, a shining future awaits you.
His arms are as thick as logs.
He worked day in and day out like a cart-horse.
You talk like we won the game because of you.
I hope that things will be peaceful again like they were back then.
I want to be like my father, a person who is both kind and strong.
Disasters like this one may happen again.
I want to be proposed to in a wonderful way like in a TV drama.
I had a complex about not being able to get excellent grades like my brother and sister.

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